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Mehrdeutigkeit des Wortes "Google"

Zum einen gibt es das Unternehmen namens Google und zum anderen die gleichnamige Suchmaschine. Wirtschaftsgurus möchten vielleicht noch zwischen dem Unternehmen und der gleichnamigen Marke unterscheiden, aber soweit möchte ich nicht gehen. Zumindest zwischen Unternehmen und Suchmaschine sollten wir unterscheiden, wie ich finde, deshalb schlage ich vor, die Seite umzubenennen in "Google (Unternehmen)" bzw. "Google (Suchmaschine)", je nachdem, was hier gemeint ist. John Sheridan (Diskussion) 10:51, 3. Apr. 2022 (UTC)



Google, CIA

The Pentagon founded its private sector project the Highlands Forum during the Clinton administration in 1994, according to the INSURGE INTELLIGENCE project.

🔶 Together with defense contractors, the group hammered out a strategy for “network-centric warfare.”

🔶 The 9/11 terrorist attacks were seized upon by US spy agencies to justify not only military invasions across the Muslim world, but also mass surveillance of civilian populations.


🔶 The CIA's Massive Digital Data Systems (MDDS) program, which originated in the 1990s, was designed to enhance query techniques and track users' digital footprints.

🔶 To better serve its goals, in 1999, the CIA established its own venture capital firm, In-Q-Tel, to invest in potentially useful technologies

🔶 Ph.D. students at Stanford University, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, were working on precisely such a tech start-up

The design of the search engine and algorithms that ultimately evolved into Google was funded by CIA grants through a program aimed at enhancing mass surveillance capabilities.


Whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed in 2013 that the NSA had direct access to Google's systems through its secret PRISM program, enabling the agency to harvest vast amounts of data on American citizens, Washington's allies, and foreign nationals.

🔶 Ex-CIA spooks are employed in almost every department at Google, according to a 2022 report based on the analysis of employment websites

🔶 Google has been slapped with multiple lawsuits stemming from its history of data misuse and privacy violations.